我是一名珠宝艺术家,1994年出生在沙特阿拉伯,一直到现在,我都很难确定我的身份和我应该是谁,所以我用艺术来描述我自己,寻找关于身份和我在这个世界上属于哪里的问题的答案。高中毕业后,我在吉达Jeddah的阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大学the King Abdul Aziz University学习了一年的生物化学,但是为了追求我的梦想,我决定在2014年搬到日本,我在2019年从水野彦Hiko Mizuno珠宝学院毕业,现在我住在沙特阿拉伯,我希望帮助提高当代艺术意识,特别是沙特和阿拉伯世界的当代珠宝。
我的作品是我的声音,是对我最深的思想、隐藏的情感、恐惧和兴趣的有力诠释,它来自我的日常生活,并试图理解这个世界。it comes from my daily life, and attempt to make sense of the world.它们表达了我对更美好世界的愿望和梦想,在我探索生活的二元性时,它们庆祝快乐的时刻,我的悲伤和沮丧。They express my wishes and dreams for a better world, they celebrate happy occasions, my sadness, and frustration, as I explore life’s dualities.艺术对我来说是一种交流感情信息的方式,有时也会是答案。艺术很容易让人产生误解,但我相信真正深刻的内容是不会让人误解的。
Broken Beauty Exhibition / France – Munich 2020
Ornement(ation) /Galerie Lewis / Canada 2019
jewellry//sculpture Exhibition / Vienna 2019
Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition / China 2019
Artistar Jewelry Exhibition Fall Edition / Itay 2019
Society X Jewelry / Space Edge /Tokyo 2017
“世界の雑貨” General Goods Of The World Exhibition /Hole In The Wall / Tokyo 2018
” ⼆つの⼟” Two Lands /Conceal Gallery / Tokyo 2017
尺寸:9厘米x 7厘米x 0厘米
From far away these pieces look like a big piece of gemstone but it is not! .at the first look, you can not spot the vinyl from the gemstone but when you take a look closer it gets more interesting.
The concept of this work (statement) :
This work is a question about the true value of things , something as cheap as vinyl can look like something expensive as gemstone, and have the power to hold it .if we want to see the world as it is, we can’t rely on our physical senses. They are much too distorted by our conditioned beliefs. Instead, we can learn to see through our hearts. We can learn to see the world through feeling. sometime you may need to close your eyes and feel because the most beautiful things in our life we see it with our heart.
Year Completed: 2018
Dimensions: 9 cm x 7cm x 0 cm
materials: vinyl, gemstone ,gold leaf ,acrylic color,brass
Item: ring
techniques and process : To simulate the texture and shape of the ring I fell the empty holes in the rings texture by melting the vinyl with a heat gun as I go from the bottom of the ring to the top,I set the gemstone inside the heated vinyl so when the vinyl dry the gemstone can set inside without any glue