“新设计、新生代、新理念”DBC国际珠宝设计师作品展由红桥市场、长流当代美术馆、纽约牧风国际珠宝股份有限公司[NOOMAD INC]联合主办,长美艺术股份有限公司、北京爱微藏科技有限公司承办,十余家海内外艺术组织协办,联动北京国际设计周、中国国际珠宝展和艺象万千国际网络展览馆。
Katja Prins
Brooklyn Metal Works, One & the Other: Two of a Kind, New York, USA
Galerie Rob Koudijs, By Default, Amsterdam, NL
Guestteacher/lecturer Wintersession RISD, Providence, US
Guestteacher/lecturer Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, US
Guestteacher/lecturer Cranbrook, Detroit, US
Visiting lecturer Brooklyn Metal Works, New York, US
BAK, Futures Without..,Master Fine Art Graduation show, Utrecht, NL
Museum Arnhem, Body Control, de grens van de mens, Arnhem, NL
Design Miami, repr. by Ornamentum Gallery, USA
SOFA Chicago, repr.by Noel Guyomarc’h, Chigago, US
Museo Del Gioiello-Basilica Palladiana, Jewellery-Sculpture, Venice, IT
Tokyo Art Fair, Holland Japonism, O-Jewel, Tokyo, JP
Museum of Arts and Design, Wear it or NOT: Recent Jewelry Acquisitions, New York, USA
Gardiner Museum, Un peu de terre sur la peau, Toronto, CA
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Un peu de terre sur la peau, Paris, F
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York , US
Museum of Arts and Design New York, US
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, NL
SM’s Stedelijk Museum ‘sHertogenbosch, NL
Mint Museum Arts&Design, Charlotte, US
Schmuck Museum, Pforzheim, DE
Museum of Modern Art, Arnhem, NL
Musée des Beaux Arts, Marseille, F
Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld-Lette, DE
Dutch Textile Museum, Tilburg, NL
CODA Museum, Apeldoorn, NL
National Glassmuseum, Leerdam, NL
European Ceramic Work Centre, Den Bosch, NL
Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, NL
Amber Centre Gdansk, PT
Studio GR20, Padova, IT
Städtische Sammlung Idar-Oberstein, DE
The Gallery of Art in Legnica, PL
Private collections US, NL, DE, IT, BE, JP, UK, TH, BR, SE, DM, ES
Statement · 设计阐述
My work is about the (intimate) relationship between human bodies and mechanic devices, (medical) technology and industry. How technology functions as our support structure in order to survive in this world.
With my work I want to tell stories about the body: as an object of manipulation, as an instrument/ machine – instruments/machines as extensions of the body. These days our body is something we can change, sculpt. Our body as an extension of our mind, always in relationship with its surroundings and environment. After all, Man, more in particular his body, is the measure of all things.
The “Nexus” collection refers to “synthetic biology”, which means that today we manipulate the body at the DNA level. Nowadays we are trying to design and rebuild cell structures and DNA molecules in order to develop (‘grow”) new “ synthetic” organisms. But it also includes my fascination for ground and building plans, anatomic drawings, systems and growth-structures.
The materials are reconstructed stone (reconstructed red +white coral and onyx) and silver. The lines are engraved in the silver and the stone, front and back side. The work is very flat, as if it’s sliced and can be put under a microscope where one can see the cell structures grow. Almost like a drawing, between 2D and 3D: what’s called in the engravers world 2,5D.
· Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China Main course:Jewellery Design
· Politecnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy Main course:Fashion Design
· Royal College of Art, London,UK Main course:Jewellery & Metal
2018 中国国际大学生时装周
China Graduate fashion week
2018 北京服装学院服饰艺术与工程学院 毕业设计展
Beijing institute of fashion Technology Graduate exhibition
Statement · 设计阐述
The series of accessories (brooch) aim to indicate the influence of time towards the human body.
With the lapse of time, our organics are changing constantly, and some of them tend to be abnormal.
Given such consideration, I tried to demonstrate the aged organs of people through an exaggerated form of deformation. The whole series was made from ceramics and metallic materials, in which the diseased parts were composed of different glazes, pastes of different textures, and the faded metallic materials, indicating the devourrment of time to the health of people.
Laila Marie Costa
Laila Marie Costa is a Melbourne based artist and curator who works across contemporary jewellery, collage, assemblage, installation and occasionally sound. The nebulous spaces between fine art, craft and design are the areas that intrigue and inspire the bulk of her investigations.
Costa’s working process is based on collecting the waste and refuse of consumer culture from her daily domestic and work life. The debris is sorted by obsessive methodologies that allow the materials to infer the form. Her creations are further informed by her Italian heritage, domesticity, feminism, environmental issues, art history, materiality and humour.
Costa co-founded TempContemp, a contemporary jewellery project space within Northcity4, Brunswick, where is a current studio artist.
I like your old stuff better than your new stuff(solo), Carringbush Hotel, Abbotsford
Noel Counihan Commerative Art Award (finalist), The Counihan Gallery, Brunswick
Friends and Family, Daine Singer Gallery, Fitzroy
Lo Fi High, Toot Gallery, St.Kilda
Body Control, Museum Arnhem, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Collectiva, Porto, Portugal
In The Drawer, Small Space Gallery, Nth. Fitzroy (part of Radiant Pavilion Biennial)
Schmuck, Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich, Germany
NC4EVA, The Counihan Gallery foyer, Brunswick
The Urban Gleaner and the Plastique Pt.II, (as part of ClimArte), TempContemp, Melbourne
NC4EVA, The Counihan Gallery foyer, Brunswick(Co-curated with Anna Gray)
Schumuck Schmock, TempContemp, Melbourne(Co-curated with Anna Gray)
Bailieu Library, The University of Melbourne Box Hill Institute of T.A.F.E
Brunswick Business Incubator Octapod, Newcastle
Rare Books, State Library of Victoria Private Collections
Statement · 设计阐述
The necklaces are a continuum of the concepts and materials that are my current concerns. Through the use of waste materials such as plastic pill packets I refer to environmentalism and sustainability challenges. Feminism, domesticity, capitalism and humour form part of my personal narratives.
Thank You Big Pharma (Dangles) Necklace
《 感谢大制药公司 》项链
Materials: Sterling silver and Monofeme pill packets
Thank you Big Pharma is a series of necklaces made from my personal hoard of contraceptive pills packets collected over many years. These blister pill packets, some of which still contain their contents, have been sitting in a cardboard box for years alongside the other pharmaceutical packets of other pills and tablets ingested.
“Thank you Big Pharma”系列是我多年来收集的避孕药包装制成的一系列项链。其中一部分仍然装着它们的原本的内容,我已经收集这些药片包装很多年了。
Thank You Big Pharma (Amulet) Necklace
《 感谢大制药公司 》项链
Materials: Sterling silver, Monofeme pill packets and collected object
The contraceptive pill has enabled me a life unimaginable to previous generations of women and for this I am eternally grateful. Multi-national pharmaceutical companies continue to explore new medications that have enabled us a longer and healthier life. They alter the natural lifecycles of growth and evolution via processes such as in vitro fertilisation, genetic modification and cloning. The speed at which these technological advances are moving in this digital revolution prompts society to ask questions and reflect.
Thank You Big Pharma (Ziggurat Cascade) Necklace
《 感谢大制药公司 》项链
Materials: Sterling silver and Monofeme pill packets
Yolanda Zheng
Minzu University of ChinaBA in Environmental Design
Honors and Awards
2nd Class Scholarship, Minzu University of China All-rounded Student of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province
Statement · 设计展示
Microorganism floating in the air interests me. I researched the micro-cosmos that exposed to optical and electron microscope. Visual patterns are extracted, simplified and developed into this project.
In this project MICROCOSMOS, I try to visualize the this micro-cosmos that invisible to our naked eye, and to explore the unity of opposite pursuits in free form and rigorousgic. These are shown in the chosen materials and combination of laser cut and handwork.
Besides, it is also a resultof my experiment on how to hide brooch base.
Holland Houdek
Master of Fine Arts, Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Metals Concentration), University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI
Selected Juried/Invited Exhibitions(2020)
March 9 Project – Solyanka Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Healing, Knowing, Seeing the Body – Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS
Site Effects – BKV, Munich, Germany
Site Effects – Baltimore Jewelry Center, Baltimore, MD
Site Effects – Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA
Constructed Answers – CVA Gallery, Kent State University, Kent, OH
OBJECTS: REDUX – Form and Concept Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
In my Opinion – Amber Museum, Gdansk, Poland In my Opinion – Regional Museum, Konin, Poland In my Opinion – Jubinale Fari, Krakow, Poland
Statement · 设计阐述
This series focuses on medical implants, the body, and embodied experience. These hand-fabricated objects glorify the highly individual and personal nature of prosthesis and surgeries, while evoking notions of memento mori and the fragile nature of the human form.
1.Displaced Renal Fixture
Kidney Replacement Neckpiece
尺寸 / Size: 48 x 22 x 4 cm
Using real medical implants as inspiration acquired through partnerships with the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, MedWish International, and Cleveland Clinic, I re-invent and exaggerate these devices for imagined bodies and procedures. The intention is for viewers to consider their own physicality and to visualize the absent anatomies implied by the work.
2.Inverted Illium with Offset Coccyx
Total Hip Arthoplasty Neckpiece (2016)
尺寸 / Size:48 x 18 x 18 cm
Historically, memento mori jewelry and objects included black stones, ornate designs, and incorporated bone or hair from the deceased to commemorate their lives and/or remind oneself about the fleeting nature of life. My work updates and extends this expansive body of work by incorporating medical implants (i.e. “modern bones”) into innovative, hyperbolic designs that expand upon memento mori’s historical aesthetics and to update this concept for the contemporary age.
3.Humerus with Flexible Deltoid Tuberosity
Shoulder & Bone Replacement Neckpiece
尺寸 / Size:50 x 8 x 8 cm
In transforming medical implants as objects of art, I also adapt technical medical terminology to name my pieces while also using real medical devices to aestheticize and transform these objects. The result is a body of work that has allowed me to experiment with this historical jewelry/metalwork genre and invert the idea of adornment by focusing on the inside of the body. In riffing on this age-old genre of memento mori, I embrace the use of traditional metals techniques in my approach while striving for a balance between conceptual depth, technical precision, and aesthetic innovation.
Cherry Ching
程丽Cherry Ching,曾服务于上市服装公司品牌部,因买不到搭配时尚服装,质量上乘又有设计感的首饰,于2013年创立了品牌,投身设计与工艺领域,打破了传统首饰的价值判断体系, 除了对贵金属和宝石的创新运用外,擅长运用水晶等天然材料,大胆探索新材料与新工艺的融合,通过设计的巧思和独创性,强调与服装的穿搭,实现艺术性和实用性的完美平衡。
Statement · 设计阐述
此系列是对享誉世界的墨西哥艺术家弗里达(Frida Kahlo)的诠释与致敬。她在充满苦难的一生中依然选择热烈绽放,向画布交出自己的生命、心灵和思想。