“新设计、新生代、新理念”DBC国际珠宝设计师作品展由红桥市场、长流当代美术馆、纽约牧风国际珠宝股份有限公司[NOOMAD INC]联合主办,长美艺术股份有限公司、北京爱微藏科技有限公司承办,十余家海内外艺术组织协办,联动北京国际设计周、中国国际珠宝展和艺象万千国际网络展览馆。

M.F.A. in Jewelry, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah, GA, USA
B.A. in Literature and Economics, Inner Mongolia University (IMU), Inner Mongolia, China
2020, Broken Beauty Exhibition, Alliages/ Schmuck Munich Jewelry Week, France/Germany.
2019, SCAD’S NYC Jewelry Week Pop-Up, NYC, USA.
2019, Mulan. New Age Chinese Art Jewelry Exhibition at 2019 New York Jewelry Week, NYC, USA.
2019, The 43nd Annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show, Philadelphia, USA.
BODY CONTROL, De Kerk powered by Museum Arnhem, Arnhem
ENJOIA’T Awards 2019, Barcelona
XII Florence Biennale 2019, Florence
NUDA VITA, Artesania Catalunya Carrer dels Banys Nous, Joya Barcelona
Marzee International Graduate Show 2019, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen Précieux !?, Alliages, Lille
Non-Stick Nostalgia: Y2K Retrofuturism in Contemporary Jewelry, MAD | Museum of Arts and Design, New York
NUDA VITA The practice of collective and political body, ABC Westside Galerie, Munich
NUDE JADE, A-galerii, Tallinn
Precious?, Column Bakehouse Gallery, UK
Ek-kinesis, Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athens Jewelry Week
Précieux !?, Alliages, Lille
Statement · 设计阐述
My work is rooted in process. Soaking myself in the slowest time, broadest rhythm, in the moment, in every breath. Focus and patience have become a practice and a meditation. From the simplest observations in nature to detailed measuring of intricate forms, I find geometry, patterns and form everywhere in the world around me. Together they built the natural beauty I have known since childhood.

《Capture I》胸针
Sterling Silver, Stainless Steel(pin), Black patina
尺寸 / Size:7.5cm*7.6cm*2.1cm
I am fascinated by contrast and unity, organization and repetition. Like myself, all start from a point of origin and ride with a circle overlapping another circle, paths cross –sometimes separate. I stretch, fold myself everywhere, never stopping.
Through the endless process, it always starts from a circle and ends at another one. I consider these elements as real form, but also as different stages in life. From the daily practice, from zero to one — The accumulation and consumption of each day has turned into a new perspective, a new way of thinking.

《Capture II》胸针
Sterling Silver, Dioptase, Stainless Steel(pin)
尺寸 / Size:12.5cm*9cm* 2.7cm
Handmade has its own temperature. It can be a record, a story that extended over time. It opens up a conversation between the work and myself. From my working process, each line I cut became a full circle, each circle became a full pattern. Folding all these pattern in to my form. And after all, the forms all related to my cutting line at beginning. In this sense, I enhance myself to my pattern.
《Capture II》胸针
Sterling Silver, Dioptase, Stainless Steel(pin)
尺寸 / Size:12.5cm*9cm* 2.7cm
By deconstruct the pattern, I found my seed, my flower, my fruit, my tree. I respect the inheritance and expression of absolute traditional craftsmanship, and I am also very interested in new technologies. In this visual age, I would like to try more different expressions in the future. Geometricize traditional religious symbols, then recombine them, put them in 3d and contemporary contexts.
24k Gold Plated Sterling Silver
尺寸 / Size:6cm*8cm*2.5 cm
Hopefully, my design would bring such pristine lifestyle again into public eye so that people will be identified with the traditional culture and show more reverence for nature. I believe that the ethnic culture would give me sufficient inspiration for creation and the negligence it suffers at present will provide me with a larger career development space and constant motivation.

Gimena Caram
Gimena Caram 1978
She entered the world of jewelry at the age of 22 in Argentina, when she decided to abandon the studies of Psychology. It is at this moment that the discovers his passion for this trade and decides to dedicate himself fully to it. In 2007 she moved to Spain, and interested in new forms of artistic expression, she began her studies at the Official School of Goldsmiths and Jewelers in Madrid. By obtaining the degree and motivated by the desire to continue learning he decides to move to complete his studies studying by studying artistic jewelry in Barcelona, at the Massana School.
She currently works in her own jeweler studio in Madrid and agrees her work with learning new techniques and different ways of expressing.
Statement · 设计阐述
CEREMONIES is the result of the interpretation of different ethnicities throughout the world and the related to them: rites, beliefs and customs. The pieces are inspired by ritual objects, which with the movement of the body during the dance cause the intertwining of the elements that make it, producing a noise that serves to set the rhythm.
Necklace “Ritual I”
项链《仪式 1》
sterling silver oxidized
My work is cyclical, recurring, where fire is the protagonist and the material plays a very important role as it is part of my inspiration and becomes a challenge to express myself. My pieces usually have strength and character, but at the same time they are fragile and sensitive. The elements with which the pieces make up speak in singular, but group it is where they come to life and communicate the message and it will finally be the observer who deciphers and interprets the pieces subjectively.
Bracelet “RAIN”
sterling silver oxidized
《 Bears are growing 》Ring
silver, plexi and material from a genetic laboratory
Zihan Yang
-Jewelry, Master of Fine Arts, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah, GA, United States
-Industrial Design, Bachelor of Arts, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), Xi’an, China
-Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show,Pennsylvania Convention Center,Philadelphia, PA
-Enjoia’t Awards 2019, Disseny Hub Barcelona, Spain
-2019 JOYA Barcelona Art jewellry & Objects, Disseny Hub, Spain
-Abysm, M.F.A. Thesis Solo Exhibition, Gallery of Sulfur Studios, Savannah, GA
-The 37th Annual Smithsonian Craft Show, National Building Museum, Washington, DC
-2019 Earring Galore Exhibition, Heidi Lowe Gallery, Rehoboth Beach, DE
– SNAG Chicago (Elephant Room Gallery, May) / New York City Jewelry Week( November)
– 2019 American Craft Show,Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
-2018 12th Annual IDA Awards, Silver Place, Accessory /Jewelry Student Category, Los Angeles, CA
-2018 Women’s Jewelry Association Scholarship, New York, NY
-2018 SCAD Jewelry Department Endowed Scholarship, Savannah, GA
Statement · 设计阐述
The beauty of being human is not only facing the dark side of this inner world but more importantly how to bravely restrain and lock this darkness in the abyss.
Yang’s work is driven by personal psychology and a fascination with the subconscious. She focuses on personal reflections and definitions of the darkness of human nature by using small repetitive components. Her studio practice expresses the complex and dark side of our nature tempered by the beauty of using desires to restrain and balance human desire.

《D.H. II》
Sterling Silver
“The process of making echoes the process of self-examination. We can never fully know ourselves without constant reflection; When we think we must restrain the darkness of human nature, it becomes a kind of desire too, but it seems more positive. “

《D.H. III》
Sterling Silver

《D.H. V》
Sterling Silver, 18k Yellow Gold
Estela saez
“Maybe Days” solo Exhibition, Rob Koudijs, Amsterdam (NL) “Site Effects” Handerwerk Gallery, Munich (DE)
“Site Effects” SNAG Conferences, Philadelphia (USA) “The Pearls of Cleopatra”, Munich (DE)
“Design Miami” , Ornamentum, Miami (USA)
“Silent Roads & Desert Nights”, JORC, Barcelona (SP) “Brazil Jewellery Weekend”, Casa de Pedra, Sao Paolo (BRA) “Kushari”, solo exhibition Ornamentum, Hudson (USA)
“A room on it’s own”, Munich (DE)
“21 grams” Handerwerk Gallery, Munich (DE)
“21 grams” BeCraft Gallery, Mons (B)
设计师,策展人,CIB国际商业银行工艺品开发外部顾问,联合国教科文组织手工艺发展专家、CAC(开罗艺术家集体)高级顾问。曾在德国、荷兰、南非、墨西哥、美国和埃及旅居和工作。在克兰布鲁克艺术学院Cranbrook Academy of Art、安特卫普皇家艺术学院Antwerp, Royal Academy of Arts、开罗大学等发表20多场演讲。在世界各地任教和参展。
Statement · 设计阐述
Text by Jordi Mitjà, Visual Artist, Barcelona
(评论文本来自西班牙视觉艺术家Jordi Mitja)
I would personally define Estela Saez art as atomized jewellery, -almost tortured- that explains, first of all, a very distant place, and then the shape, that supports the idea of modernity linked to nomadism. Estela is an indefatigable traveler. This may help you understand the material’s own condition, which is not a jewel, but a place itself.
我个人将Estela Saez的艺术定义为原子化的首饰,几乎是扭曲的。这解释为,首先,她的作品展现了一个陌生的空间,然后是它的形状,它支持了现代性与游牧主义相联系的观点。Estela是一个不知疲倦的旅行者。这可以帮助你了解材料本身的状况,它不是首饰,而是一个空间本身。
“L-M” pendant
oxidized silver
尺寸 / Size:19x9x11cm
The objects proposed are metal towns, primitives, distant, that hide fragile things in a constant process, fugitives. Her own way to make it happen is to say the least, peculiar, given the treatment she makes to the material, its proportions and the impossible reproducibility of each object.
“Quilla” pendant
oxidized silver
尺寸 / Size:10x20x12cm
From that ensemble, I am fascinated by the sculptures, made with silver, the patinas, almost pictorial, relegates the material to stateless condition. She abuses the noble condition from materials such as gold and silver, and brings them closer to scrap iron or rusty wire.
Although she uses expensive raw material, her work does not renounce to the postulates from the “povera” artist. That is at least fascinating. Her atomized filigrees, rusted or laminated do not renounce from the truly value of that nobility, and from their portable jewels function.

“Solitut” brooch
oxidized silver
尺寸 / Size:15x15x8cm
I wait and wish that Estela never forgets that her work is an small tribute to a place and a land, her pieces can be worn in a body, her objects can be sustained with hands, but in the end, and that is her greatness, her jewels are universal.
Hansel Tai
2012 – 2016,中央美术学院,艺术珠宝系,师从滕飞教授;
2018,阿姆斯特丹Gerrit Rietveld Academie,Sonja Baumel;
2016 – 2019,爱沙尼亚Estonian艺术学院,Tanel Veenre;
2019 MISUI AWARD 2019, Barcelona, SP
2019 ENJOIA’T Awards Second Finalist, Barcelona, SP
2019 Cum Laude of graduation, Estonian Academy of Arts, EE
2018 Amberif Design Award – Finalist, Gdansk, PL
2016 Top Young 2016 – Finalist, Ubi Gallery, Beijing, CN
2016 The Second Prize of Graduation, CAFA, Beijing, CN
BODY CONTROL, De Kerk powered by Museum Arnhem, Arnhem
ENJOIA’T Awards 2019, Barcelona
XII Florence Biennale 2019, Florence
NUDA VITA, Artesania Catalunya Carrer dels Banys Nous, Joya Barcelona
Marzee International Graduate Show 2019, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen Précieux !?, Alliages, Lille
Non-Stick Nostalgia: Y2K Retrofuturism in Contemporary Jewelry, MAD | Museum of Arts and Design, New York
NUDA VITA The practice of collective and political body, ABC Westside Galerie, Munich
NUDE JADE, A-galerii, Tallinn
Precious?, Column Bakehouse Gallery, UK
Ek-kinesis, Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athens Jewelry Week
Précieux !?, Alliages, Lille
Statement · 设计阐述
Soul Mating is a deep dive into desire and nature. The works focus on the ambiguity intertwined within those two aspects.
Soul Mating系列是一种对欲望和自然的深入探索。作品关注的是这两个方面的模糊性。
The erotic forms of the work served as a self-conscious confession. Beyond imitating nature, shapes are formed with intricated machines and long hours of hand carving, movements were sealed within each curves.

《 Soul Mating I 》
Soul Mating champions unfiltered sensation of desires and mutation, as well as a deep mutual sensitivity among souls.
Soul Mating崇尚欲望和变异的不受过滤的感觉,以及灵魂之间深刻的敏感互动。

《 Soul Mating II 》
As playful and ambiguous vessel for soul and desire, the final works presents an alternative version of hybrid erotism.

《 Soul Mating III 》

Marina Iwagami
岩上 満里奈
2019 東京藝術大学卒業修了展(東京藝術大学美術館)
2018 9 Marvelous Jewelry Collection IV(ギャラリーおかりや、銀座)
2017 東京藝術大学卒業修了展(東京都美術館)
2019 東京藝術大学 修了作品 買上
2018 第30回公募2018日本ジュエリー展 奨励賞
2016 第29回公募2016日本ジュエリー展 奨励賞
2015 第12回全国金銀創作展 東京都中小企業中央会会長賞
Statement · 设计阐述
Growth is something that lasts forever and accumulates. Even if a failure is mixed, it is accumulated including it.The form of this work is an image of continuity and eternity. I hope that the history of jewelry is the same.
There is also an innovative part in me.It was to leave the thread connecting the parts together and use it as an element to excite the work. There are a lot of things that can improve the completeness of the work by removing the seams, showing the connection part without processing gave me a pleasure that opened my mind and interacted with the viewer.
Creative is the act of expanding social norms. I would like to propose ideas about people’s way of thinking and spirituality using jewelry as an expression medium.